All About Me!

Praying Mama to three boys.
Blessed beyond measure.

instagram: theboyandthelittles

06 June 2013

Here we go. . .

This is completely NOT how I planned my first blog post of the summer to be.

But, oh well.  I'm rolling with it.

Summer is here!  YAHOO!  I should be all "Yippee and YES!!!"  And I am!  But, I'm kinda not.  I'm a little more like "Woah. . .really?"  Super pumped to send the last class to 5th grade!  No worries about that!  They're so ready AND they'll be AWESOME!!!

But, "Really?"  Home with my kiddos?  All.  Day.  Long.  OH, boys.  Three of them.  Oh my.

So, this hero of mine talks a lot about being a "truth teller."
Here it is!  Holy cats,  scared.
A little scared.
I know 24 other children better than I know my own!  It's the truth.

So, truth is out. . .today has been a good day.  It's been hard. ..just a little though.
It has been a mellow day.
All in all, quite delightful.  Not too boring, not too exciting. . .just right actually.
It's like sticking my toe into a chilly pool. . .slowly.  That's how we're going to roll with this new summer thing for awhile!  Or, at least until summer decides to show up and be kind here in good ol' freezin-our-tails-off MN.  We'll be ready.

In the mean time.
I have fed the children.
Twice.  (it's only 3:00pm)

We have played puzzles.
Three time outs.  Two for the red head, one for me.
Experienced our first EVER Kiwi Crate project.
Moo, the happy woodpecker.  Thanks Kiwi Crate!

Read books.  Had the radio on more than the TV (that's awesome). Chased poor Bauer (the boy dog) around the house.  More than we should admit to.  Giggled.  A lot.  Shared some precious snuggles and lots and lots of hugs.

So, here I am summer.
I'm showing up.  Ready.  Prepared to be a bit overwhelmed at times, but I'm thrilled that you're here to stay for awhile.

Feeling blessed.
Tomorrow, we hope to tackle creating the summer 'bucket list!'
What's on yours?
Do share!!


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