Spring Break.
One of the best weeks of the entire year for those of us who teach. I truly don't know who was more pumped. Me or my students?!?! I think it was me. Hands down.
Breaks are filled with many, many hugs, morning snuggles, play dates, afternoon naps, and an overall feeling of being blessed.
I was behind thrilled that break started off with a happy hour with my dear and precious team. Anytime the five of us are together it always ends up with side splitting laughter. You know the kind. Where your cheeks hurt into the next day. Well, mine hurt for almost two days. What memories. I am blessed to teach with them.
We have continued to have more "boy fun" according to moo.

He loved his hot coca date and trip to the zoo. All the time I am looking for that perfect picture that I can take of my sweets. All the while, I am learning that it is really quite a challenge to please a 2, a 3, and a 15 year old at the same time. It truly makes me stop and think. How in the world did it come to this?? Ollie Finn is happy as long as there is enough food and snuggles to go around. Oh, and octopus blankie. Don't forget that. The teenager, struggling this week because "EVERYONE is on a trip to somewhere AMAZING this week .....what are we doing today?.....lets go DO something......and I wish the coach would just post the lax teams already......" mode. Yep. It could be worse. His pleas never last more then 32 seconds and he is right back to his carefree, happy self. There have been many games of pick-up basketball in the entryway, hide and go seek, and chase between he and the littles. It never fails. They all eventually end up in a hog pile of boy fun, laughter, and tumbles. It makes my heart soar and then quickly question if my house will ever, ever, ever be clean again. Probably not.
Being home makes me long for the Pinterest house. The Pinterest playrooms. The Pinterest vacations and then I serious want to kick my own butt. Seriously. Why does being home make me want to gut the house and just start over? So, down to the dungeon for some toys that never get played with, off to target for some shelves (darn you Pinterest). Oh, and if I only knew how to quilt. ( Darn you instagram) Must. Figure. That. Out. Soon. Then all will be well with the world, RIGHT?!?!?!
So, it was off to the Galleria with moo in his hockey helmet, jersey, and gloves to fine new quilts for the boys' room since I don't know how to quilt. Oh, the joy that child brought to the Monday night shoppers. Unlike anything I have ever seen before.
So instead of quilting for my children and gutting my home I will find an insane amount of joy with the homemade lunch we were able to enjoy together, the zoo memories made, and the littles who are totally crashed this afternoon due to the amazing moments that have wore them out. And the teenager who met us at the door and was thrilled to have us back from the zoo.

Life is really something.
happy friends. |
precious littles at the zoo! Yes, I know. Max has his hockey helmet, jersey, and gloves. Do you KNOW what it's like to try to leave the house without those three items? Have mercy.